Mar 18, 2016

Week 2 MTC

Hi ya everybody!! So things are going so great here in the Provo MTC. Once Monday hit I felt happy and excited and ready to learn and teach. The first few days here were super brutal but I feel so much better now. I'm positive and my French is seriously better than I could've imagined. This week and last week my companion Elder Crandall, (he's from Spanish Fork btw for those that asked) Sœur Mitchell and I taught more lessons in French and it was awesome!! I asked our investigator if he would be baptized and he said yes and it was just an amazing feeling knowing what I was saying and understanding his questions. French is going great. We're always speaking it to each other. Our zone is amazing! There are about 30ish people now because the Canadians left for Montreal. (Depending on the mission you get a different nickname haha. Elder Crandall and I are Tahitians and we have some going to Lyon, France, Paris, France, two Elders just left for Vanuatu. It's crazy how much fun I'm having here. We all get along and no one is crazy. This Sunday the Provo City Temple dedication is happening so that's super exciting. We get to watch the dedication and get special Temple recommends for one of our buildings on the campus that will hold the broadcast for the dedication. Our district gets to host missionaries next Wednesday so that's exciting. It'll be fun to welcome new elders especially since most of our zone leaves in 10 days. Once they're gone, I think our district will be really sad because I really do love our zone. During the week we talked a lot about the Doctrine of Christ and how simple everything is in the Gospel. It made me think about Alma 30 when Korihor is asking for a sign and Alma tells him that he knows the Gospel is true. And that scripture made me think about 1 Nephi 17:41 which refers to the simple things the Lord asks of us. Anyway that's about it. I love you all so much!!
Love Elder Christensen

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