Jun 26, 2017

President Bize's last week

Ia ora na tatou!!
I'm going to do bullet points today because I don't have lots of time and this computer is having problems. 
-Did my first baptismal interview. I show up and it's a papi. he asked me if I speak tahitian. Luckily I got sent to Hikueru and that's where my tahitian journey began. It was cool being able to talk to this man in tahitian. 
-IT was actually sort of cold this week. Lots of wind and not lots of sun
- Our investigator Régis got baptized. I'll attach some pictures.
- Président Bize goes home this week and Président Fox arrives with his wife Friday I think
-Being the only American on Bora Bora has so far been an experience. It's pretty hard actually haha. Very humbling being the district leader of 5 others missionaries that have spoken this language since birth haha...
Basically this week was great. Not much to report. But I love you all. Keep in touch.
Spiritual thought. Been reading in 3 Néphi lately and in chapter 19 the people that are being instructed by the apostles and by Jesus pray a whole lot. I counted and there are 5 different times when either the apostles or Jesus or the multitude start to pray. At the end of the chapter, Jesus blesses his apostles because they pray with sincerity. I know that prayer is super important and that it works. We just have to be sincere.


Jun 19, 2017

Chickens and Lizards

SOOOOOO Ia ora na outou. I wrote my last email to president Bize today. He leaves next week. i won't get to meet the new president when he gets here because I'll be on Bora Bora. But I'm excited. 

This week was great. The dad of our investigator Regis signed the paper for his son to get baptized and he came to a ward activity on the motu. Also he came to church too!! I've never seen him smile that much. It was awesome. We're going to do a family home evening with them next monday. We're stoked!!

This week two funny things happened. A lizard hopped on my plate and touched ALL of my food then jumped off the table. He did that just to touch all my food. Ugh. Then we went to a members house and i looked to the right and saw a chicken sitting in the front seat of the car outside of his house. This place is awesome. 

So next week we're having a party thing for President Bize because he leaves and it's for all the missionaries on Tahiti. we were instructed to watch it by internet. apparently they're going to eat too. I hope it's not going to be us watching everyone on Tahiti eat with president. that would be pretty sad. 

I'm doing great. I love the work. I love you all. I wish you all the best. 
-Elder Christensen

Jun 12, 2017

Johnny Depp is here

So someone told me that Johnny Depp is on Bora. He was on Tahiti and he went to the hospital all dressed up in his pirates costume and gave gifts to the sick kids. There are good people in this world. 

Anyway. Ia ora na outou. 

This week was a great one. We received the transfer calls. We were supposed to get them friday night, but then something happened so we got them on saturday towards noon. I'm staying. My comp is staying, but two other french elders are coming to replace Elder Rolls(australian) and Elder Dalton(american). I got a call from one of the assistants telling me that I'm now the district leader. All that means honestly is that I interview the people that want to get baptized and I decide if they're ready or not. yeah...no pressure. Haha. But I'm actually pretty excited. I will be the only American here. So basically we can say goodbye to english for the next few months because the next transfer is in 9 weeks. I'm sad because I won't get to see President Bize right before he leaves and I won't get to welcome the new President either (President Fox). But i'm happy that I'm staying here. 

Yesterday at church our Bishop's wife's family came and they're from America so I translated sunday school and Elder's quorum for them. Sunday school was in french and priesthood was in tahitian. Needless to say I had a headache after church. Also the fact that people mix french and tahitian here makes it difficult too. But it was an awesome experience all the same. 

The stake president flew down to do temple recommend interviews. It's great to see people prepare themselves to go to the temple. 

On wednesday we had a multi zone conference. We were in the clerk's office all morning because we watched the conference by internet. It was really good. 

Our investigators are doing well. we're waiting for one of our investigator's dad to say yes to his baptism. (our investigator of 10 years old named Regis). Other than that our other investigators are progressing. Slowly but surely. We do our best to give them the best spiritual experience possible. 

Basically I'm learning how imperfect I am and it's helping me to have patience with others too actually. The Lord doesn't expect us to be perfect all the time. He expects us to recognize our faults and do better next time. If we do our best to improve, he's happy. If we do nothing, we don't progress. It's simple. 

Love you all
-Elder Christensen

Jun 5, 2017

I Love our Ward

ia ora na outou!!

First off this week was great. We went around and saw a lot of less
active members and even just active members. We left a little message
and then asked for references. We're lacking a little in terms of
progressing investigators but we're not discouraged. We can't really
complain either because apparently this secteur is a hard one but my
comp and I see a lot of potential. And on top of that the members are
awesome. The ward right now is looking for a terrain to build a new
chapelle here on our side of the island because it would be more
convenient for pretty much everyone in our ward. right now everyone
goes to the other side of the island in a bus driven by one of the
members. We rent the bus from the local seventh day adventists
neighbourhood. Yes that exists. Its a neighbourhood built around their
chapelle. Everyone is adventist there. But anyway.

This last week I finished Jesus the Christ. Best Book Ever. Read it.

Our Président goes home in four weeks and it's pretty weird/sad.
there's a pretty good chance that I won't see him before he goes home,
seen that I'm on Bora and probably won't get transfered next
week(there's a transfer next week). It's weird/cool how this mission

Anyway. I'm loving it here. I hope you all are doing great in the USA.
Love you all. Thanks for all of your support
-Elder Christensn