Apr 22, 2016

Week 7 MTC

Io rana!!!!  Okay to start, there are 14 words in Tahitian that mean banana and I intend to learn all 14. But also there is only one word for bad/wicked/evil. That oughta tell you what things are prioritized in Tahiti and I love it. Also there's no actual word for sorry which is pretty cool. So yes this week we started Tahitian and it is a blast. It's totally different from French. The word for book is buka but pronounced poo-ta. There are only 13 or 14 total letters in the alphabet and any other letter that isn't in that alphabet for the most part make a t sound. Needless to say it's the coolest language ever. It's simple and fun and I couldn't be happier with the call I've been given as a missionary and representative of Jesus Christ. The second day of Tahitian (Tuesday), we taught a lesson and it went better than I expected but it's still really hard to comprehend sometimes because there's no verb (to be) in Tahitian or (to have). Also ia ite means to see/know. 

We had to say goodbye to part of our district Monday morning because they left for Africa. They're awesome elders. That's pretty much it. I know we're excited to leave for Tahiti in a little more than two weeks. 

Spiritual thought for the week: It's really easy to turn inward in times of hardship and it's human to want to do that, but I know that when things get hard, and we turn outward and focus on others, we will be comforted. If we have the character of Christ and try our hardest to worry about others more than ourselves, then Heavenly Father will make up the difference and give us the comfort and peace we need. 

Until next week! Love you all!
Orometua Christensen

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