May 8, 2017

"For me, Satan is and Idiot..."

hey yall.

My subject comes from a quote from a 7 year old girl in my secteur. Highlight quote of the week. my comp and I lost it when she said that. 

anyway. This week was great!! 
we keep getting references from members that fall from the skies. Its awesome. basically members have a huge power in missionary work in presenting their friends to the missionaries. It makes all the difference. We can really see the progression go even faster when there are members that support our investigators.

This Wednesday, there will be a baptism!! For a lady named Linda who has been talking with the missionaries for yeeeeeears. She finally got married right before I got here, and our Bishop talked to her, and she picked the date with him for her baptism. She's awesome. We were very shocked when her husband said yes for the baptism too. he's not all for the missionaries nor our church. But its a miracle and we're extremely happy. 

Our investigator Dylan(who will soon have 9 years old) is doing great. He's super smart. kids amaze me all the time. the kids that do the lessons with us are just great too. they could be with their friends but they take an hour out of the day to listen to our message. Honestly it's because they're more innocent than us(adults) and they're closer to Christ. I love that in the Bible when Jesus says that the kingdom of God is for those who resemble children. So true. And 

Last Pday we did a crazy hike. We hiked up to a huge cave. the coolest hike in Bora Bora. I took lots of pictures. There were some dogs who followed us the whole way too. 

Everything is going great here in Anau. I absolutely love our Bishop. He reminds me of my dad mixed with someone else who lives in Bakersfield who I worked for. His family is great too. 

Also Happy early Mother's Day. Shout out to all moms everywhere. I don't think I would be who I am today without my mom. She is the epitome of charity and patience. I don't know anyone else who was a love like she does, other than Christ of course, but she's pretty darn close. Love ya Mom. 

I love you all and I hope you're all doing well. 
-Elder Christensen

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