Oct 24, 2016

Week 24

Ia ora na tatou pau roa

Soooooo this week was awesome. It's weird teaching progressing investigators again haha. But it's just great to be here. The members here are just amazing. Our ward missionary is killer. He works so hard with us. And his conversion story is so strong. He's just raw power in a tiny little tahitan man. My old companion is training a half american half tahitian. He's from California. Our house is a party. Sometimes a little too much...haha. But it's good. We have a blast together. I got my suitcases from the boat. (We put them on the boat when we left Hikueru as well as our bikes) I finally have all my shirts and ties. It's pretty great. 
But story for the week. We've been teaching this girl named Tahina. She's pretty interested in the church. She just has lots of questions and it's hard for her to stay focused haha but that's good. That means she's curious. So we were teaching her after church yesterday and our ward missionary invited her to go to the young adults ward. They were having a sacrament meeting with a 70 from tonga. he spoke english and had a translator. But anyway Siona(our ward missionary prounounced tiona) invited her and she said yes!!! it was at the end of our lesson and we only had 30 minutes until sacrament meeting. So she got ready and Siona called someone to pick us up and we went together. It was awesome. Then we showed her the baptismal font and she said she really liked it. I also had the privelege to explain to her that we get baptised also for the remission of our sins. She looked at me and said, "really? Are you sure?" I just laughed and said YES!:) I'm positive. It was just a great day. Today we are going to play ping pong. I bought my own paddle at carrefour, (the local supermarket), so I can destroy everyone haha. It's going to be good stuff. Love you all.
Oh also. Shout out to my friend and practically my brother Ryan Reiswig. It was his bday this week and I know he's doing great work.
Love you all:)
-Elder Christensen

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