Jul 24, 2017

President and Soeur Fox visit Bora

So president came to Bora Bora on Wednesday morning so all 6 of us took the boat to the airport to welcome him and Soeur Fox. It was great!
Then we went to the chapelle to do interviews and while President was doing interviews we just chilled in the air conditioning with Soeur Fox and talked about our families and she showed us a list of all the new missionaries that are showing up to replace the 30+ missionaires that are going home in August. She told us to get ready to train haha. Then we all got food and Ia ora na gelato which is italien gelato made by italiens that now live in Bora and use the fruits from bora to make their gelato(so I've been told) but I don't ask too many questions cause it's so dang good. then Président and Soeur Fox did a lesson with me and Elder Sylvestre. That was really fun too. 

Other than that, the week was not the best haha. really slow once Président ma(way to say president and company in tahitian) left. but we got to do some "porte à porte" and it was actually really fun. Talking with people is really something that I've gotten a lot better at now haha. 

Also our investigator came to church all by himself yesterday! I mean it's not good for his family because they didn't come either BUT we were all shocked that he came anyway. He really understands the importance of the chapelle and I think he can feel the spirit that dwells there too. 

Basically the Heiva is still killin us but we're not giving up!!

Quote of the week "what are you two doing out at this hour?" while doing "door to door" contacting. it was 6 'o clock..... I hope that illustrates the mentality of tahitians. When it's 6 o clock, it's eating time. And then it's sleep time. But we were able to talk with some people all the same. 

Been reading in Revelation this week. Very...uh...different type of scripture. Especially in French haha. also in french it's called apocalypse. But it's still interesting all the same. 

Love you lots!!!
-Orometua Christensen

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